Without PLANTS, which are the major source of food, timber, and medicine, human beings would not have been able to survive on this planet.
Margaret Barwick
Sustainable skin care products: organic ingredients and eco design
Eco-responsibility and respect for the human person are foremost concerns in the design and manufacture of our skin care product line. At each step of manufacturing, the impact on the environment and natural resources is minimized.
Raw materials come from organic farming or from wild collection reasoned and controlled to preserve biodiversity. They are mainly transported by sea.
Manufacturing processes follow best practices for laboratory and are environment friendly.
The packaging is eco designed with easily recyclable materials. Moreover, choosing glass guarantees the absence of migration of chemical substances from the packaging to our skin care product. Kaliom has a unique ID number from ADEME for packaging : FR213639_01NLLG
BDIH certification
Our skin care products are certified International Organic Natural Cosmetics – BDIH standard, the German label which pioneered the development of natural and organic cosmetics in Europe. Synthetic dyes, synthetic fragrances, ethoxylated raw materials, silicone, paraffin and other petroleum products are not allowed. Radioactive treatment and GMO are forbidden.
Animal testing is prohibited at all steps: raw materials, development and manufacturing processes. Regular controls and inspections approve each step from the supply of raw materials to the marketing of final products, guaranteeing the respect of the BDIH charter.
Plant cosmetology
The duty of humankind is to protect nature and all living beings without distinction of race, gender or species.
Respect for the lives of all sentient beings, which experience suffering when they are inflicted hardships and injury, is a principle of the deontology of Kaliom.
This ethical principle influences our way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing and any other purpose.
Our skin care products line is designed without animal suffering, there are no ingredients made of animal origin in its formulation, no fat, no butter, no milk, no bees wax.

In 2005, Nestor Caffa understands that he has to produce himself his raw material in order to get the best quality.
He then creates Kaliom and initiates Indian farmers to sustainable agriculture, mostly in the South (Tamil Nadu and Kerala) and North-West (Maharashtra) of the country.
Along with a team of pharmacists and chemical engineers, he commits himself to the production of medicinal plants extracts, full of active properties, in order to obtain a unique range of care products with exceptional qualities.
That’s how were created Kaliom Aromayurvedics, first beauty and well-being range of products that combine Ayurveda and Aromatherapy.

In early childhood, I was initiated to the world of Caribbean medicinal plants. The mysterious atmosphere of the magical forest fascinated me as my mother and I searched and collected wild medicinal herbs.
Mother Nature was bounteous in her generosity, and the plants and herbs a profusion to delight my senses. Then, as now, I learnt that it is crucial to wait for the propitious picking time, to pay attention not to step on neighbouring plants and to collect strictly the amount necessary. Throughout my life, I would learn the same careful caution, with reverence to the plants, when learning the delicate steps of preparation of the decoctions, infusions and other ointments. A mere infusion became the most precious of elixirs.
After a post graduate qualification in management and finance, my passion for tropical and sub-tropical plants took over and prompted me to improve my knowledge of botany. I became a certified practitioner in Aromatherapy in France and I specialised in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia in India.
It took me 5 years of methodical research to select over 75 plant extracts with proven therapeutic properties. Direct agreements with organic cultivators permit to control the supply chain and the quality of raw materials.
Together with the Centre of Research in Cosmetology in Mumbai, I developed concentrated vegetal extracts with amazing antioxidant and anti-elastase properties. They compose, with extra virgin first press vegetal oils and precious aromatic oils, the basis of my formulas.
A deep respect for life guided me when creating this line of skin care products without any ingredient made of animal origin.
The line of holistic skin care products that I offer you today is inspired from Rasayana, the branch of Vedic medicine expert in the art of rejuvenation.
You will discover skin care products that on top of beautifying your skin, give you with each application a sense of communion with nature, taking you to a world of dazzling scents.