Ayurveda is the oldest natural medicine of mankind, a tradition of ancient Vedic culture of India. It teaches us that the human body is made up of the same elements as nature: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Its therapeutic principle is to maintain the balance of the body’s energy flows called “doshas”: Vata (ether, air), Pitta (fire, water), Kapha (water, earth).

Some concepts to take into consideration.

Ayurveda is a holistic science of health and life involved in the prevention and cure of disease, balancing the forces in action in a person.
Ayurveda considers the physical, mental, and spiritual health of human beings, but also the well-being of animals and plants:
The physical aspect consists in regulating and balancing the forces supporting the physiological integrity of the tissues and organs forming the anatomical structure.
The mental aspect consists in searching for a healthy lifestyle, without toxins; to identify and eliminate tensions and hostile elements leading you to a happy life in harmony with the environment.
The spiritual aspect consists in raising one’s consciousness to the universal dimension, realizing one’s position as a tiny piece of a bigger entity to access inner peace.

equilibre doshas kaliom

The main actions of DOSHAS on the body

Vata : A force that controls the central nervous system, the skull, and the spine; the sympathetic system, heart rate and muscle contractions; the parasympathetic system, organs, glands, and blood vessels.
A very active force on the sensory level, influencing the perception of the world and the environment. It increases creativity and concentration. It helps reduce fatigue, anxiety, and fear. It promotes firmness and flexibility of the skin.
Pitta : A force that controls thermogenesis, metabolic activity, and neurotransmitter hormones. It is responsible for digestion, blood coloring, secretions, molecular and energy transformations in the body.
A very active force on the emotional level, typifying the relationship to oneself and the relationship to others. It increases intelligence and helps assimilate ideas. It regulates anger and jealousy. It promotes digestion and cell regeneration.
Kapha : A force that controls the fluids, the mechanical and joint activity of the body. It acts on the biological activity of the body. It contributes to physical resistance.
A very active force on the functional level, increasing the flexibility and natural immunity of the body. It helps to overcome resentments and disappointments. It promotes microvascularization and good skin’s hydration.

According to Ayurveda, these three forces are inseparable and essential for a body to function properly and must be balanced for good health and well-being.
The 3 doshas are active in everyone, in greater or lesser proportion. To determine which is your dominant dosha and to adjust the possible imbalances that can result from it, you may find your personal diagnosis on our site.